Results of the "Elementary School Constellation" Festival
The last chords of the traditional creative intellectual festival "The Constellation of the Elementary School" ceased. From the 11th of February, 2013 to the 7th of March, 2013 the fireworks of various events allowed each child to demonstrate his/her abilities in various creative competitions, solo and group exhibitions, and intellectual contests.
The event was scheduled to comply with the Decree of the President of Ukraine "On holding in 2013 the Year Children's Art in Ukraine " in order to meet the educational and cultural needs of children, to facilitate their creative, intellectual, spiritual and physical development, to identify and support gifted and talented children, to organize their leisure, to improve educational work and to develop extracurricular education.
To promote the students’ need to care about the environment, to use the planet's resources efficiently, to live a healthy lifestyle the events of the festival were based on the theme "The Earth is Our Home! Let’s Make the World Around Better!” in the ecological areas where the students could show their attitude to the current state of the environment and natural resources, to offer their views on how to clean and maintain the contaminated ecosystems, how to show the love of the mother nature, and respect for it.
Master classes of creating products from recycled materials were conducted at our Day Care Center: “Postcards", the exhibition of students’ works from recycled materials, eidetics eco-training "Save the Rivers of Ukraine" for the first graders, quizzes, communication events, tournaments, etc. were held during the DCC activity time.
"The Most Intelligent Environmentalist" tournament was held for the students of 3-4 grades in the informatics classrooms in the form of an interesting intellectual and cognitive game. The students had an opportunity to demonstrate intellectual ability to complete tasks on environmental issues and their level of mastery in computer literacy.
For students of the 1st grade the classes on "Lego" technical creativity were held in which the students learned to create mobile toys, to program their movements on the computer which resulted in the growing students' interest in the design, the need to develop their technical abilities.
On February the 20th, 2013 the 4-formers went to the "Amazing Train" intellectual journey. The team play - tournament, "How do we know the world around us?" enabled the children to show their knowledge of the natural history, the basics of health, of Ukraine, etc. The children had to pass six stations. At every station they had their respective tasks. The teams had to prepare logos, slogans, and choose their captains. The leading teams proved their organizational skills. The game taught the participants to find the common ground, to resolve disputes occurring in everyday life. The "Know-It-All" team (4E form, teacher-L. Tretiak) became the winner.
The contests on career education and art of “The Art Studio" for the title of "The Good Master" and "Talented Artist" in which children showed their ability to create interesting products from different materials and to paint were conducted by teachers and tutors the Day Care Center.
The best results of the competition for the title of "The Good Master” showed Margarita Volovik (2B form), Anastasia Marinchik (2G form), Elizaveta Mityukova (1À form), Victor Repinetsky (3B form), Zlata Pelikh (4V form); for the title of "Magic brush": Sofia Malishevskaya (1G form), Sophia Matushka (3V form). During the festival the gifted students were actively involved into the contests in the areas of art, labor training, creative writing and poetry.
The contests of readers "The Birds Have Come and Brought the Spring on Their Wings" for the students of 1-2 gardes and "Preserve the Beauty of the Earth" for the 3-4-formers were also held to identify gifted students, as well as to promote environmental and aesthetic education. In the assembly hall of the gymnasium in the presence of the primary school students and parents the winners, Maria Klimenko (1G form), Daria Voronina (2G form), Dmitry Goncharenko (3V form), Artem Smovzhenko (4V form), were awarded.
"The Best Expert in English" competition for the students of the 4th grades has shown the gifted students with excellent abilities in learning foreign languages: Maria Toryanik (4V form), Vlasta Dorokhina (4G form), Alex Prijmak (4D form), Andrew Kolenchenko (4D form).
The Chess Tournament at the festival was held on the 27th of February, 2013. 59 students of 1-4 grades attended the tournament. The competition was held in two stages: the 1-2-3-4 classes under the chairmanship of S. Shistarev, the chess club supervisor. The Winners: Juliana Yeshchenko (1D form), Alexei Klimenko (3E form).
On March the 5th, in order to create the conditions for economic education of the children, the 2D form students led by Zoya Chernous, their teacher, supported by one of the fathers held a Fair of children's products "With Love to Nature" where the students could purchase a variety of postcards, souvenirs, notebooks, etc., created by the students of the 2D form.
On March the 1st in the 3V class a mini-conference "Where nature is destroyed, there life ends", the purpose of which was to sum up the obtained knowledge of the flora and fauna, its destruction and ways of protection, to show urgent environmental problems in Ukraine and in the world.
T. Stetsenko, a teacher, Y. Lyakh, an elementary school educator, the parents and students of the 3V form took part in the conference. The speech of Doctor Alok Bansal, the Member of the Ukrainian Medical Club, PhD, who spoke about the impact of environment on children's health deeply impressed the audience.
The guests, Yelizaveta Glotova , the Curator of the scientific-practical conference "Model of the UN, Scandinavia 2012" and Anna Sokur, the Chairman of the conference, congratulated the participants.
But the most interesting part of the conference included presentations from «H2O», «O2", "Eco +", "Flora" and "Fauna" teams and poetry reading of young poets who called for the preservation of nature.
The conference and the preparations for it were covered by the PressRoom led by Darya Mutilina and Svetlana Nalbandian. The little correspondents interviewed the school staff and asked the school students what they should do to improve the environment. Having summarized the outcome of the interviews they spoke about their findings at the conference.
The participants of the conference, «Where nature is destroyed, there life ends» asked the teachers and the students of Scandinavian Gymnasium to support Felix Finkbaynera in his initiative “Planting stock - to the planet" to plant a trillion trees on the planet and to plant trees in our area, in our city.
On March the 4th the "Congratulations to Talents!" event was a culmination of the Festival and became a holiday of awarding the contest winners and participants of solo exhibitions. It was intended to summarize the work carried out by the teachers and students.
The 1-3-formers in the assembly hall of the gymnasium enjoyed the concert of the "Merry Notes” school choir, “Spivanochka” vocal ensemble and the best dances of the school students which they had prepared during the choreography classes.
Finally, the best readers of poems in English Artem Smovzhenko (4V form), Elizaveta Kostyanikina and Alica Kondratyuk (4D form) showed their skills. The prize winners got the Certificates.
We wish new victories and achievements to our students!