The ABC Party
The ABC Party
The school year is drawing to a close. Though it seemed difficult and long but it was also cognitive and interesting. For the first-formers it was the first school year in their life. What have the first-formers learnt? The children cheerfully showed their knowledge of the English language to their parents and teachers. On the 20th of May the ABC Party took place in Scandinavian Gymnasium. It was prepared by the students of the 1G form under the direction of their English language teachers N. V. Kanyuka, N. R. Kuzmenko, K. A. Rybalchenko.
The children recited poetry to the audience and sang English songs. The little artists staged a piece «The cat and the bird» and showed their comic and musical talents. Let’s wish them to further perfect their English language knowledge and skills, work for creatively improving themselves and make adults happy with their accomplishments.